Audio Systems: lubricating Alpine face plate, warm soapy water, snap switches

I recently gave my car stereo face plate a bath in milky sugary coffee. The stereo stopped working until a friend suggested cleaning it with electrical cleaner. The stereo now works except the buttons are sticky and sometimes the CD's wont eject. I was wondering if using a Radio shack contact/control cleaner and lubricant would hurt or help the problem. Do you think the buttons feel weird because I cleaned them without lubricating?
Thanks for your imput.


The best way to clean the rubber over-lay button assembly is to take the display unit apart and clean the contacts on the circuit board with the contact cleaner. Next, clean/wash the rubber over lay (if your stereo uses one) with warm soapy water and rinse well then dry. If your stereo has small snap switches on the circuit board use can wash the display board with warm/soapy water also and shake out as much water as possible and then spray the board with the contact cleaner. If take the display apart you can use to warm soapy water to wash/clean all the plastic case parts to remove all the gummy coffee all over the parts.

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