Audio Systems: Radio problem no power, inch subs, radio problem
QuestionHI i have a problem i have a 2001 f-150 and a pioneer aftermarket radio i also have two 15 inch subs in the back seat connected to an amp i have my speakers connected to a diffrent amp and a day ago every thing went dead the head unit does not power on and i'm not getting anything i have checked everyfuse and can't find one burnt i think it might be a relay or an electrical wiring problem could you help
ok before we chalk it up to a more serious problem go back to your trucks fuse block and pull each and every fuse out and check for blows, check ALL fuses not just radio related ones, also check the fuse on the back of your head unit, and on your amps and your inline fuses on your power cable to your amps.. now if you have checked all of these and still have a problem that nothing will come on , you might have blown a larger fuse on your main harness, your owners manual should tell you where to look but most of the time they are under the hood in a covered box with a diagram, if the above wont cure your problem you might have a burned some wires either on your main harness under your truck or in your dash before the wires feed from your head unit .. i hope this helps you out if you need anything else let me know