Audio Systems: radio intall, ford aerostar, 1993 ford aerostar
Questionwhat parts of the dash do you have to remove to replace stereo in a 1993 ford aerostar?
most uninstalls and/or installs only require the dash pieces directly around the unit, some are more involved but most arent , 95-2005 cavilers you have to remove the entire dash.. but i'm not familer with many ford products so i cant tell you for sure .. but if you are installing an aftermarket unit you will need a dash install kit which includes the full instructions with step by steps for the removal of the old unit and the install of the new one , it is very simple to do just need a few hand tools but nothing anyone cant overcome .. hope this helps you out .. you can pick up the dash kit along with the wire harness adapter at radio shack both are around 10-12 each .. if you need anything else let me know