Audio Systems: static in my speakers, ground loop isolator, filter cores
Questioni'm getting alternator noises in my speakers. i have a kenwood stereo unit and with stock speakers, there was no static. i installed an aftermarket amplifier and component system and now its humming as rpm rises. any way to fix this? wiring connections are all good and all the local installers cant answer this
Due to the nature of how amps function, they will pick up any alternator noise and you will hear it as a whine from the speakers. Short of speading a good deal of money for high current alternator filters, you can try installing DC filters on the power supply wires to the amp. The filter will have to rated at the current rating of the main fuse installed in the amp to be on the safe side. ou can also try installing a ground loop isolator in the RCA inputs to the amp. In some cases I have wrapped the DC supply wires to an amp around toraid filter cores. This will in many cases stop/filter out the whine noise.
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