Audio Systems: Mercedes SLK Radio, mercedes slk, ugly results
QuestionThe sound in my SLK went dead. I suspect that it is the amplifier which could be getting wet. It has been very rainy the last few days. At first it sounded muffled before it died altogether. I cannot locate the amplifier. I think it is under the dash somewhere. Can you tell me what you think and where to look at the amp.I would like to see if it is somehow affected by the rain. This happened once before and it cured itself for another year.
I think the amplifier is mounted in the trunk (where rain can get in and out if you have a problem with the top, or put something wet back there. It should be behind one of the carpeted panels back there. Water and electronics go together like bowling and leprosy, a pretty bad mix with ugly results. You might want to go to the dealer, or contact some guys I used to work for at this website (