Audio Systems: radio removal, haynes repair manual, radio unit

Followup To
Question -
How do you remove a radio unit from a 1996 Ford Explorer.  The unit was out and it locked in place when I was trying to wire it.
Answer -
Bob ,
Follow up:
 Maybe I wasn't clear.  I am putting the original unit back in.  I inadvertantly slid it to far  in and it clicked and locked in place.  I had not finished hooking up the wires.  I just need to pull the unit out  and I cannot figure out how to get it released from dash.


 some fords require a special din tool that removes the unit the tool is 2 square U shaped steel wires that press into 2 small squares on the faceplate on each side .. the tool can be picked up at a local electronics shop usually .. but if the unit doesnt use the DIN locks refer to the other methods for instructions of removal from my last reply , haynes repair manual and the phone number for the dash install kits which will tell you not only how to remove/install the stock unit but covers aftermarket units to in the case of scoche.. hope this helps you out
