Audio Systems: no sound from speakers, pioneer car cd player, car cd player
Questionhi i ve got a pioneer car cd player model number
DEH-3450 i wired it up and it turns on all the bottons work the display shows the cd it playing
but there is no sound out of the speakers i opened it up and there is no sign of any burnt out components loose wires or any thing else out of the ordenary could you please give me some tips on what could be wrong any held will be appreciated THANK YOU!
AnswerHello Brett,
Several things may be the cause of no sound. 1-Defective audio amplifier/s 2-output amps in muted condition due to a possible shorted mute hold capacitor. 3-a defect in the audio preamp circuit. You can do a quick check on the amps to see if they may be the problem by using a volt meter on DC volts and measure each speaker wire to gound to see if they have about 6 volts on each wire. If you do measure about 6 volts the amps may be OK and the no sound problem may be due to a shorted mute capacitor or a preamp problem.
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