Audio Systems: 2002 Honda Civic Stereo and speker Installation, honda civic 2002, liabary
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I have a 2002 Civic LX sedan. I want to replace the Head unit as well the front and rear speakers. The head unit installation information is just for knowledge since the shop that I plan to buy the stereo will do the installation for free with the purchase of the head unit. However they want to charge me arm and leg for the rear and front speaker installation. So far I have tried to take out the panel for the rear speakers but failed miserably. So, I need help with taking out the rear and front panel to gain access to the old speakers and eventually allows me to change the speakers. Thank You for the help
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ok look at they have awesome prices and you can do the install yourself just as good and save some money this is where i buy all of my eletronics.. but enough of that .. the best thing since you are going to be doing a fairly complete install is to go by your local auto parts store and buy a haynes repair manual for you model civic they are 12-15 bucks and trust me you will be glad i told you to get it if you have any plans on anykind of upgrade in the future.. the manual will tell you exactly how to remove the panels and speakers and how to reinstall them along with your head unit , engine , tranny you name it and its got pictures to guide you .. very handy to have i own one for every vehicle i work on.. if you dont want to cough up 15 bucks check your local liabary and rent one .. hope this helps you out if you need anything else just let me know
Well the only problem with purchasing the Haynes repair manual is that they don't have one for Honda Civic 2002 yet. So, that said. Is there any other solution.
they should have one or can order one check again to see , but if they cant look at one for 99-01 most of the time nothing very major has happened in such a tight year i'm fairly sure mild modifications to the interior was done from 99-02 look at before you buy most auto stores especially if you know someone there will let you look to see if its what you need .. now if for some reason you cant use it *but i'm fairly confident you can* i usually never have to use a manual for panel removals unless its something totally differnt a few tips i use are .. run your fingers under the lip of the panel you want to remove get a feel for the panel *most are secured with pop clips which require a decent amount of force to remove* some panel like door panels need other components removed such as window cranks on manual windows , button clusters ect.. use common sense to look at what needs to come off the remove it .. dont be afraid to remove things as long as you know how they go back and dont lose any of your hardware.... for removing the pop clips on the panels you can buy a tool check local parts store or use a small thing long flathead screwdriver to pry with to release the clips.. these are just some basics to get you in there its been a long time since i worked on a honda i usually work on GM's but i hope this helps you out but as i said before the repair manual is the best solution .. if you need anything else let me know