QuestionWhen I am helping people on allexperts with bankruptcy or other legal issues, I never use those canned answers either. I sent a question to a lawyer once just to see how sharp he was on a particular issue (and it was in his supposed area of expertise) and he sent me back one of those canned answers that said "this is beyond my area of expertise". I guess I should compliment him because he at least had the guts to say he didn't know.
Followup To
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Thanks again for your followup answer. My vcr is a cheap orion that does not have an option for three or four. Thanks for trying anyway. If you ever need help on debt or bankruptcy matters, I am on the allexperts section for that.
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Thanks for your answer. It is a Phillips tv. Maybae the reason that it won't work on other channels is because the tv was originally at a hotel chain, set up for the cable that they had there on only so many channels. have you ever heard of that before?
Followup To
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I have a VCR that I am trying to hook up to my television. The problem is that I am supposed to turn the tv to channel 3 and the television is set up so that it only has certain channels channel 2, channel 4, channel 6, 7, 9, 12, 13 14, and so on, but no channel 3. How can I get the tv to show movies from the VCR?
I thank you in advance for your help.
Answer -
Dear John,
I can't think of a television made in the last 10 years that doesn't have 120+ channels capability, labelled 1-120. Tell me, what's the model number, make, and year of your television? That may give me a clue about how to get you to channel three.
Kindest regards,
Answer -
Dear John,
Hmm. I know that hotel TVs are specially programmed to conform usually to an internal cable, which may also be fed by an external (commercial) cable, so your assumption about the preset stations may be correct.
There's a couple of ways to deal with this.
First, most (but not all) VCRs can use either Channel 3 or Channel 4. (I have a cheapo Sony, which can use either.) If that's the case with your VCR, try Channel 4.
Second, there was a time when you could set your own channels (certain Mitsubishi, Magnavox/Philips, and RCA sets featured this), but with everything being cable/satellite ready these days, there's no need to do that. I suggest taking the set into a reputable service shop, and seeing if they can find Channel 3 for you.
Good luck. And thanks for choosing!
Kindest regards,
Answer -
You're welcome. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Also couldn't send another volunteer the canned "thank you" note.
I use the "I just can't help with that" when I get questions obviously out of my strike zone. My gig is audio. I've been learning about video, mostly home theater connections, products, and such. But questions like, "My picture tube is nothing but zig-zaggy diagonal lines" I can't do anything about. If they read the bio and still want to ask a question outside of my area, that's their prerogative. It's mine to say, "I don't know anything about this." It's an obvious flaw in the system, but on the whole, I enjoy it.