Audio Systems: amplifier install, 2002 chevy z71, going in the right direction
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I instaled an amp in 2002 chevy z71 amp works but when I turn off key there is no sound from radio until I disconect high in puts from speaker wire on radi out put
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Can you be a bit more specific? When you turn the car off, there's no sound until you turn the car back on? Or when you turn the car off, there's no music at all until you've disconnected the high inputs from the deck and try to turn the car on again? there is nomusic at all until i disconect the high input every thing comes on but no music plays until I disconect amp high input from speker wier
I'm not really sure what's wrong, and I've asked a couple friends as well. Since you know the amp works, that can be eliminated as the source of the problem. I would say that maybe the deck, for some reason, can't send a signal down the output line to amp. This would explain why when the amp is plugged in, nothing works. However, given that you have to disconnect the amp entirely for the music to play indicates a different problem. It's a bit confusing in that your amp as to be hooked to the speakers for it to be effective, but you also have your radio hooked up to all the speakers as well. Many head units nowadays have a very small built in amplifier that's used to power the speakers. The best theory that I can think of without being there is that you can't have both your radio and your amplifier hooked up to the speakers. You have to power them using only the amp (by sending the signal feed from the radio to the amp which passes it onto the speakers) or only the radio, you can't have both hooked up at the same time. I don't know if having both the radio's built-in amp and an aftermarket amp hooked up to the speakers would cause this kind of problem. But I've never come across anybody who has tried. Sorry I couldn't be of more use, but I hope this gets you going in the right direction.
Best Of Luck,