Audio Systems: INSTALL XM RADIO, alpine cda 7894, alpine usa

Dear Garry:
I had my Alpine CDA-7894 XM radio professionally UNinstalled from my car. I still have all the parts and wiring. I would like to install the radio in my home incorporated to my stereo system. I spoke to Alpine USA and they said even though it is possible they would not give me instructions on installation because there policy dictates that they encourage consumers to buy new units. (What nerve!).
I would really appreciate your help.
Thank you
[email protected]

There's several things you need to consider when doing something like that. It can be done, as long as you meet the following.. Power supply; must be capable of delivering enough power to adequately power unit. Make it 3amp minimum, not needed to be any more than 5 amps, must be regulated and filtered, otherwise you'll get a bad hum when using, alpine unit must have rca type line out jacks for hooking into other amps (which will be connected to home unit via 'aux' or tape player inputs) and volume setting on alpine unit very critical as not to overload and destroy input circuits of home unit. Do not use speaker leads from alpine under any hookup or severe damage will occur. Hope this helps....... Garry