Audio Systems: What should i buy?, power subs, mono amps
Questioni have a 1988 ford 150 with a bench seat. the only box i can find for it holds one ten. if i buy one sub that has 1000watts peak power and a 1000 watt amp,will it be just as effective as 2 10's with a 1000 watt amp? also what the deal with mono amps are they for one sub?
i dont know how close your seat clearence is to a late model S10 but an S10 is pretty cramped and i had a small dual sub box with sony xs1036 subs with a 4 channel 1200 watt amp and i would shake you out of the truck and i still had a comfortable ride and i'm a big guy.. you just have to shop around for a good box and sometimes 2 small boxes seperated and an amp in the middle is a good setup when space is a concern but eitherway with a super high power single sub or 2 mid power subs you will still have some great bass.. about mono amps or class D amps these are made especially for subwoofers and can only be used on 1 in most cases.. they dont have the extras that other subs have to accomidate differnt range of speakers and subwoofers these are just for pushing bass.. now they do pretty good but you will spend more cash on them .. so i recommend unless you are making a competition or pro install use a good basic amp that fits in the wattage and ohm range of your sub a good brand i recommend is power accustik they make a great amp for a beautiful price.. also i recommend sony xplod both amps and subs.. hope this helps you out if you need anything else let me know