Audio Systems: sub output chanel on deck, sony xplod, rca cables
QuestionI have blown two sub output chanels on two high end radios. Iwas told after the first time that this was a very rare thing But it has happened twice I have two amp one 4chanel for the cabin speakers and a two chanel for the subs. the amp and sub seem to work ok when i switch it to another chanel please help i don't want to blow another radio.......I have a 98 pont grand am gt.
it is rather strange i might have came across this 17 or 18 times in all my experience its most common in jensen head units from what i have seen ... make sure your RCA cables are good high quality and make sure the insulation is good no scuffs or cracks ect.. also since you are running multiple amps and your prolly already have a capacitor or even 2 but if you dont i would invest in one *depending on your amps wattage* what might be blowning the outs is a drain that feedbacks to the headunit so i would make sure i have good fuses on all my power from the battery to the amps ect.. and good grounds and using the proper gauge cables according to the wattage of your amps... other than these basics i dont know what causes it besides cheap head units but you say you used a high end unit you might try switching brands of head units i use sony xplod and had great success with them .. the one brand i never recommend is jensen .. but i hope this helps you out sorry i cant do anymore but if you need anything else let me know