Audio Systems: broken radio, buick park ave, fuse problems

Hi Alan I have a 89 buick park ave the radio just quit working I checked the fuse panel the radio fuse is working the antenna does not go up any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance  Danny

Sorry it has taken me long to reply, I've been wicked busy over the past week. Anyway, given what you've told me and the age of your vehicle's radio, I believe that the radio is dead. The fact that the antenna won't work means that the radio isn't even turning on at all, so it's not a fuse problem. Rarely do stock stereos have fuse problems. This is symtomatic of age problems with radios. Unfortunately there isn't much that I can tell you to do, aside from visiting your local Buick dealership or car audio shop. It may be that there is just one little part that has to be fixed within the radio, but something else could be on the verge of breaking. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

Best Of Luck,