Audio Systems: removing an Alpine head unit, zoominternet net, alpine head units

Tom, Thanks very much. In fact, the small trim piece around the radio unit is the very piece I can't figure out how to remove. Once I get that off, I know how to remove the radio. It's hard for me to get a photo of the front of the radio (don't have a digital camera). What type of "key" or wrench is required to get the trim piece off an Alpine radio?



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Question -
I have an Alpine TDM-7543 cassette head unit and an Alpine CD changer. I would like to replace the head unit with another identical Alpine cassette head unit (this one turns on by itself and if it's already on, it forwards to the next CD track or radio preset). Problem is, when I take the head unit's faceplate off, I can't figure out how to remove the bezel (the frame into which the faceplate clicks).

My car is a 1994 Mazda Miata. I already know how to take the dash off, but the edge of the Alpine's bezel is wider than the cutout the radio sits in, so it has to come off before the radio can come out. Is there a special removal key for Alpine head units? Would a simple hex key work?
Answer -
Hello Mitch,
To gain access to the slots for inserting the removal tools, you will need to remove the small trim piece around the radio unit. DO NOT remove any of the small screws behind the face plate. The removal also depends on how the installer, installed it into your vehicle. If possible send me a good photo of the front of your radio so I can have a better idea of how it was installed.

[email protected]  

Most trim pieces will snap off, however I can't tell you for sure until I look over the service manual on Wed when I return to my shop. Does the replacement have a book with it? also does the replacement have the trim piece on it. If it does take a close up look at it to see if it does remove! Once you have the trim off you will need the two flat removal tools to stick into the slots on each as most radios have. On most radios as I mentioned before you will need these two long, flat metal tools to insert into the slots on each side to release the clips that are holding the radio into the sleeve. Your best bet is to look over the other radio for clues on how to remove the one in the dash. At one time Radio Shack sold these removal tools.