Audio Systems: bose stereo, bose amplifiers, leaky capacitors
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Question -
I have a 1992 acura legend with a bose stereo. every once in a while theres a loud crackling sound, like bad reception, but the radio still comes through with that sound underneath. But sometimes it goes away, could you help me find out what's wrong and possibly fix it!
Answer -
Hello tristan,
I can say that with a bose system, you have bose amplifiers located at each speaker or the car may have a seperate amp located somewhere in your car. If your system has individual amp modules located at each speaker, the noise may be coming from the amp boards. These Bose amp boards are prone to having leaky capacitors. When these capacitors become leaky they will also fail and this will cause the crackling noise. Somwtimes the speakers will make a load squealing noise as well as crackling and popping sounds. These amp boards can be rebuilt for much less than the cost of new boards.
[email protected]
I'm sure that there aren't sepearte amps for each speaker , but one behind the rear seat. does this still casue the same problem?
Yes, the amplifier located behind the seat is probably the cause of the noise. As on the small seperate amp modules, capacitors on the circuit board will still fail and cause all kinds of strange noises. Please contact me direct for info on having this exspensive amp repaired at my shop.
[email protected]