Audio Systems: 2000 Honda Civic Factory CD player repair, honda manual, rubbing alcohol
QuestionMy CD player in my car has recently gone haywire.
After playing normally for a short time, any CD I put in starts to make a strange fuzzy static noise on and off.
Now it's to the point where when I insert a CD, the player tries to read it (I can hear it start to spin) and then I get an E-00 message. My Honda manual says to remedy this you should make sure your CD is clean and try again. I did this and it didn't help.
Have you ever encountered this problem? Should I try to clean the player with one of those cleaning CDs? Help!!
Try using the wet type CD lense cleaner, if that doesn't work you may need to do a manual cleaning with a Qtip dampened with rubbing alcohol. If after cleaning the lense and the unit still will not work the laser pick up may need replacing.
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