Audio Systems: POWER TO STEREO BEFORE SUB INSTALLATION NOW NONE, pioneer cd radio, jensen subs

I have a 98 Saturn I recently installed a pioneer cd/radio i went to install a Rampage amp and 2 10 inch jensen subs...everything is wired up right...
went to go test the system and the radio is getting no power now...tested the battery wire and no volts from it but every  other wire i get around 12 volt reading...i also installed a distribution fuse..why am i not getting power to the radio and what can i do to fix it?

any solutions or suggestion would be appreciated...



Hello Amanda,
The radio will have two 12 volt feeds to it, 1-batt, hot at all times. 2-12volt switched with key on. use a volt meter or a 12 volt tester lamp to check for 12 volts on the two power feeds. most likely something as simple as as a blown fuse or a defective connection will be the problem. Let me know what you find out after measuring the 12 volt wires.

[email protected]