Audio Systems: Infinity casr stereo, crossover speaker, crackling noise


I've got a Chrysler 300M with an Infinity AM/FM, Equalizer and 4 disc Cd changer (factory). It's a 2000 year model. The left front door speaker started to crackle 3 months ago; my troubleshooting was to move the speaker to the right door and the crackling moved with it, so I figured the speaker was bad, so I replaced it. Now the left door speaker (that was moved from the right door (old speaker) and center dash crossover speaker are both crackling when ever the stereo is turned up above conversation. I've asked the dealership and they said it maybe the crossover or just bad speakers but for $60.00 an hour I'd like a little more insight than that! what other tests/check can I try before wasting money on repairs or replacement components.


   it figures dealers usually know about as much about car stereos as i do about goat farming =) .. good detective work with switching the speakers around that is what i always recommend.. its really hard to narrow it down right now i will give you a few paths to try out.. 1 is pop one of the good speakers out plug into the distorted speaker places and test .. if the sound isnt present in the good speaker just a simple replacement should be the cure .. now if it does make a crackling noise try another good speaker just to make sure if it still gives distortion.. pull your head unit/EQ out and check all the harness's and wires make sure they are secure and turn the unit on and see if you wiggling the wires/harness plugs has any affect on the sound ... if you find nothing there it really comes down to which infinity part has a problem and since you have a head unit , an EQ , Changer , and atleast 1 amp that powers the whole system your best option is to take it to a pro shop * not a dealer* and let them get in there test and probe until they can figure out which part is bad and replace it ... but i'm fairly confident that your problem will be with just a simple replacement of the bad speakers it would be uncommon for some serious components like the amp ect.. to go out this early .. hope this helps you out if you need anything else let me know

