Audio Systems: 1996 cavalier, fuse one, fuse block
QuestionhI and thanks for responding so quick. I bought the car used and dont have the owners manual. The radio doesnt power up at all, and would prefer to keep this radio instead of replacing it. I took it to a chevy dealer and they were going to enter the code for me free of charge. But the guy there told me there is no power to the unit. I dont know where to start to check the power. Its driving me nuts!! thanks again!!
Followup To
Question -
I purchased a 1996 chevy cavalier, the radio has no power to it. The radio is a theft lock radio and from what i have found out you need a code but should read locked when the code is needed? What should I do? How do I go about taking the radio out? It looks like every thing is connected? Please help!
Answer -
Jill ,
ok i will start with the theftloc .. the unit should power up just not produce any sound .. the code can be found in the owners manual and its a generic code like 123 i think the manual will also have the instructions to punch the code in .. about the replacement of the unit cavaliers are a pretty indepth removal and reinstall the intire top dash comes off , its not as bad as you might think but its atleast half an hour removal to get the old unit out i have the directions on the removal if you need them just write me back and i will give it to you . but if you decide to replace the unit you will need to buy a wire harness adapter and a dash kit both can be picked up for about 9-12 bucks each at wal-mart or radio shack but get hte one for your car the dash kit will have the same book that i will give you the instructions from which gives you a walk through of the full removal of the dash pieces .. hope this helps you out if you need anything else let me know
hehe no problem glad to help .. ok with no power it could mean bigger problems but we will start with the simple stuff .. go to your fuse block and pull out each fuse one at a time check ALL fuses not just the radio fuses .. the fuse panel i think is on the drivers side of the dash or in the glove box its been a year since i done an install on a cavi .. ok if you find any blows replace them see if that fixes your problem hopefully it should ... now if it doesnt you might end up have to redo some wiring but i would almost lay money that it s a blown fuse .. if you need anything else please feel free to let me know