QuestionQUESTION: Hello...
So i replaced my stock fog light bulbs with these bulbs
Bulb Size : H11
Wattage (draw): 55
Wattage (output): 130
Color: Pure Blue
Color Temp: 6000K
Can someone tell me if these can damage my car, because the temperature is 6000k i'm affraid it is gonna melt something inside the fog light. SO yeah tell me if these are safe to use in my car?
Thanks in Advance
ANSWER: Since your new bulbs are significantly hotter than the stock bulbs, you can expect things to heat up significantly. The reflector could be damaged, or the whole assembly could heat up much more. I'm not sure how the output wattage can be higher than the draw wattage. If the draw wattage is the same as stock, the running temperature of the bulb should be similar. Let me know, Jan
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yeah these new bulbs are a bit hotter than the stock ones....But what bout wattage draw and output are they the same as stock ones.. i know for sure that wattage draw the same as stck one which is 55, but what about output....
AnswerIf the bulbs are more efficient at turning power into light, not heat, then this may be true. But these light bulb adverts can sometimes be compared to snake oil adverts... A serious test would be to put a bulb into a container and putting a thermocouple in there to measure temperature. Compare the temperature between the two bulbs.
Good luck, Jan