Audi Repair: Code for instruments, ross tech, audi tt

Hey, I really appreciate that you actually take time to do this and i would appreciate it much more if you would be able to help me solve the problem I'm currently facing. In my Audi tt Quatro the panel is not showing neither the mileage or the gas meter. The gas it always appears as if there was no gas and in the mileage is reading kilometer, also it states that the mileage for the car is 99999999... i was suggested to get a vacom cable to be able to get to the different computers of the car and be able to work with it. I have done this but i have found something that is not really clear to me, this is where i would need your help...the instrument's code is 000000. For what i have read online i understand that this code varies depending on the vehicle's year where was it made and different information. Would you know where can i find this code?

It sounds like someone changed the instruments out at some point.  Anyway, the correct coding can be obtained from the web.  Also there are numerous issues with these clusters, look at:

Also check:

The codes are mentioned by Ross-Tech, who also supply the VAG-COM.

Good luck,  Jan