Audi Repair: covertible top hydraulic leak, silicon sealant, self priming
QuestionI noticed the open/close cyliner hydraulic oil leaked. There is a small hole punctual on the plastic hose. Can the holes be sealed with any silicon sealant to prevent leakage? How to replace the hydraulic plastic hose?
AnswerThose plastic hoses are attached to the ends by the manufacturer, the complete hose can be replaced, but I no think you will be able to repair just the plastic section. I'm also not sure if Audi will supply the hoses, but what I would do is to try an located a junkyard with a cabrio and see if you can remove the hose from it, rather than risk breaking yours more. Once you have removed the hose successfully, you can replace it with yours and since the pump is self priming, nothing else should be required. Good luck, Jan