Audi Repair: 98 A4 Quattro Radio problem, radio problem, sound settings

Just recently my radio knob has quit responding. I am able to turn on the radio/cd player just fine, but when I go to rotate the knob to either increase the volume, adjust sound settings etc, the knob just rotates smoothly like it's become detached.

Before it used to have a little clicky feel to it. I'm guessing you know what I'm talking about. But now it "feels" broken, and just doesn't work. Anyway to fix this or am I going to be looking for a replacement part/radio soon?

It sounds like the potentiometer has broken, you can remove the knonb itself and see if the metal part has the same behaviour, but I think the pot itself has gone bad, this can be repaired but it is an expensive repair unless you do this yourself.  Good luck,  Jan