QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2004 A4 Quattro 1.8 which came up yesterday with both low beams out. The book says its the lights or the fuses but there are no fuses in the 20+21 spots?? I cant imaging both lights blow at the same time. Does anyone know where the relay and fuses are? Also, this Sunday I hit a curb which caused 2 blow-outs on the passenger side (no body damage). This is the only recent event that I can source, still both lights out same time makes me think wire, relay, fuse, etc.... any thoughts??
ANSWER: Did someone convert the headlights to HID units? From the factory, the left and right headlamp are always fused seperately, this is a safety regulation. I would check the turn signal switch if both went out. If someone has rigged aftermarket HID's in there, who knows what relays/modifications have been made. Let me know, Jan
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QUESTION: These are stock Zenon lights. The book states that there are fuses in the box under 20 + 21 but there is none actually there. So, I dont know where the actual fuses and/or relay are. The unit is all stock. Do you know exactly where the fuses and relay's are?
Thanks Patrick
ANSWER: If it is a 2004 A4, then the Xenon lights were an option. You will need to establish if it is an aftermarket conversion or one from Audi. Let me know what you find, Jan
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The zenon lights are completly stock. Because of this, the fuse box does not have the #20 + #21 hot so the fuses and relay's are placed in a different area. If you don't know where Audi placed them, then I will ask confer with someone else. Please just let me know if you know so we don't continue to ask the same questions. Again, these are STOCK Zenon headlights.
Thanks for understanding.
AnswerOK if they are indeed stock Xenon lights, then your manual should show the location for the relays and the fuses. The reason why I doubt that these are stock, is that the 2004 A4 did not come with Xenon lights as standard, only the S4 did. So unless these were ordered with the car and a extra, Someone probably rigged some S4 lights in there, but connected them into one circuit instead of the two normally used because of safety requirements. The relays are under the dash, you need to remove the lower dash panel to get to them. Check the wiring at the headlights and look for extra connectors. My suspicion is that these lights put too much of a current load on the light switch, causing it to fail. Do the high beams and flasher still function?