Audi Repair: Audi A4 Soft Top Glass Seperating, premature failure, audi a4

Hi, I'm facing the same problem as the other person.My rear window is separating from the top, however, no one in my country is able to fix it except for the dealership. I've also tried gluing it back but it doesn't work. The shops that I've tried have no problems removing the fabric but the problem is how to glue the glass back on to the mohair canvas? They say it's been electronically glued by factory,and the only way is to get a brand new top (15k). Please help....I'm running out of options.

I would take the canvas off, and take it to a sail repair outfit who work on boats.  They may be able to help you.  Sorry I cannot be of more help, there is not much I can offer otherwise.  It may be worth complaining to Audi for premature failure of their product.  Good luck, Jan