Audi Repair: Audi A6 ABS light flahing while driving, sensor replacement, audi a6

my abs light flashes only wen i am driving after 80km/hr...for example i strt the car it starts everthing normal..then while driving wen i reach 80km or more the ABS light flashes...i plugged a scanner onto it and got speed singal sensor for Rear left and rear right...i took them out they were dirty i thought that y it wasnt working then i cleaned them still the same...can u please help me

These sensors can be tricky.  If you got them out, that means you can easily replace them.  I would also clean the serrated rings on the driveshafts, and ensure that the gap between the rings and the sensors is correct.  If the problem still persists, then I think the sensor replacement is next on the list; although two sensors going bad at once is unusual.  Makes sure you check the connections to the sensors.  let me know,  Jan