Audi Repair: 2001 Audi TT 180 quattro, air flow sensor, audi tt 180

2 years ago after returning from Iraq, I had noticed that my Audi began to run a little rough, Just last year it started to sputter and almost stall while on highway speeds and going from a light.  Recently my car had died at the gas station after a refill of 93 oct... It would not start though it did turn over fine.  I returned at the end of the day and the car started fine so I drove it home across the street.   Now the car does not start at all.
The only problem is the airbag light is on... The audi techs told me that happens when the battery goes dead.
I have raised my car driving with Exxon fuel yet I got Racetrac a few times, God forbid, even my truck hates racetrac fuel.  Anyways, I am suspecting the fuel pump and or the filter.  I have not checked for flow yet or to see if the pump is actually pumping.  Is the fuel pump in the tank?

First I will check for any faults in the ECM (engine module) , Also try to disconnect mas air flow sensor, and try to start the car. it's locate on the intake hose right after air filter. sensor has flat connector. Sometimes this sensor goes nuts and starts to show large number of air going to the engine , so ECM gives more fuel and floods the cylinders causing no start. When you disconnect this sensor, ECM goes to basic setings  and  starts from itself software.
Now, this also will set check engine light ON , so who ever will be checking it latter , let them know that you only disconnect this sensor to try . If the car starts - replace sensor. Make sure you get one to 180 not 220 HP engine.
If the pump went bad (but I have never replace one on TT), yes - pump is inside the tank . On the roadster , ooo man... it suks. On the coupe  it's right under rear seat. You can check for power and ground at the connector ( 2 larger wires) and for flow - when cranking. Filters are OK. (only new A4 have bad filters).
good luck