Audi Repair: A4 1.8 T FWD TCM problem, fault number, gear indicator

QUESTION: Thanks, Greg, The trouble code is "17090 P0706 000". I found something and I recorded below:
1. If I drive it out for a long time (more than 10 min.), then go up hill or downhill, it won't have any problem.
2. If I drive it downhill for 1 or 2 km., the temp. hasn't reached the normal working temp., then go up hill right away. There's nothing wrong on the road, but once I put the shifter back to park, the gear indicator starts flashing, and check engine light's on.
3.  The gear indicator's flashing, if my memory's right, it only happen after I park it for a while, and after start the energy, I drive it up the slope in a short time. I still can drive it, after the temp. goes up, then I'll pull over then move the shifter to different position, then it'll stop flashing, and everything back to normal, only the check engine light's still on. But if I keep driving it for another half or more hour, next time when I start again, the light's gone.

 I doubt that it's some kind of software problem, probably it can be through some kind of procedure to reprogram the TCM, to let the problem be solved. And I wonder that Audi should recall all this model to fix this problem. So what do you think? Anyway there're all the information I can pass on you, and hopefully you can give me some idea about this. Thank you very much.

ANSWER: hello
this fault P0706 is for multifuncton switch. I do not know what trans code do you have (this can be found from the VIN#) so it harder to find the problem. Most of the trans (except CVT) have multifunction switch on the side of the trans and it can be replace by it self , I just replace one on A6 with the same problem and same fault number.
If you have CVT trans this switch may be inside and I'm not 100% sure if it can be replace by itself. On same CVTs it's inside TCM or valve body. If you can write me your VIN# I will try to check it again.
good luck      Greg

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you very much for answering my question. My VIN# is WAUJC68E64A011998. Last night I did another test, I drove down hill for 10 minutes, then drove up hill back to my garage. It performed as normal nothing wrong with it, but as I fully stopped and push the shift control bar back to the "P", the indicator started flashing and the check engine light's on. I move the shift control bar back and forth for about one minute, it's still flashing, then I push it back to "P" and shake it, after 3 seconds the light's back to normal. I don't know whether this test can give you any idea about this problem, hopefully it does help a little bit. Please give me some command when you're free. Thanks a ton.

I run your Vin# and looks like you have CVT trans. and this multifunction switch is inside TCM. Tcm itself is inside trans , so if you have to replace module you will need new fluid also. With this fault Audi dealer will tell - you need new module.
I checked all TSB ( technical buletins) on your car and it says
If DTC 17090-P0706, 18201-P0722 or 18201-P1793 is stored in the fault memory, replace Transmission Control Module.---Please , keep this info for yourself only !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can see you went to the dealer already in Canada but I am not sure if you are out of waranty.If it is. The only thing you can do is call Audi of Canada and tell them that you have this problem for last 30 K but you never said anything because it was very sporadic . And right now this is all the time ., Audi knows there ware some problems with multifunction switches and they may help you out. (at least pay for part and you will pay for labor).
good luck     Greg