Audi Repair: Flasher unit, and climate control in an Audi 2001 a4 Quattro 1.8t, temperature control unit, hazard lights

Hello Jan, I have trouble with my directional lights, the hazard lights work, I
have tried twisting the leaver to see if it would prove fruitful, no, it has not. I
have checked the fuses and they are ok and well, the directional lights still do
not work. Also I have checked the a/c compressor, it works, I have checked
the control panel, it works also, there seems to be  problem with the
compressor receiving power, I do not have the owner's manual so I do not
know where the a/c relay might be, could this be the problem? When power
is delivered directly to the compressor it cools just fine.

Sounds like the turn signal lever unit has a poor connection; you will have to remove this (and unfortunately the steering wheel and airbag, please be sure to read airbag removal instructions)  Then check the turn signal lever unit for bad connections, may possibly need replacement.  If you are not getting power to the AC compressor, make sure that the relay supplying this power is OK, there is a relay under the dash which is activated by the temperature control unit, j44 in the wiring diagram.  Let me know what you find,  Jan