Audi Repair: ATF level check for 1997 A4, audi cars, import specialist

QUESTION: Sealed unit. Wal-Mart marked checked transmission fluid on the service order, but later admitted they did not. Next day the transmission and differential failed. Over $3000 damage. Is there a way to check the fluid level, if so, would WM be liable?

ANSWER: I have difficulty believing your story.  You take it to wallmart.  You get the car back and the very next day the transmission fails because of low fluid?  Please don't try to get information from a site like this to try and get money from WM.  Puhlease.  If you want to get your car repaired from this point forward; let me know,  Jan

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I appreciate your position and your help, but I am saying that WM states there is no way to check the fluid level. I simply asked if you know that to be true? I guess it's not so much a repair question as an expert opinion request.

Yes you can check the fluid level of the transmission on a 1997 A4.  The differentials have different fluids in them, they can also be checked but this is more involved.  WM probably cannot check these fluids properly because there are different checking procedures for different Audi cars.  Unless you provided a manual for them to be able to do this, they would have difficulty.  There is no simple dipstick type of check that can be done, special plugs have to be removed etc.  Normally beyond WM capability.  That's why you should have your Audi checked at an import specialist.  But the fact that the trans failed you cannot really hang on WM, only if they tried and put the wrong fluid in.  Jan