QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2001 A4 1.8 liter Audi, my turn signals won't work. Checked the fuse and it is OK. What else could it be? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
ANSWER: Could be the signal control unit, sometimes this stops making good contact. Do the Hazards work OK? Let me know, Jan
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QUESTION: The hazards do work.
ANSWER: Then it is probably the turnsignal unit behind the steering wheel. Try twisting the lever a little to see if you can get the turn signals to work. If they do it is a bad contact, normally mechanics like to replace the whole unit (quite expensive) but usually it is just a bad connection that causes the problem. let me know if by wiggling or twisting the lever, the turnsignals can be made to work. Jan
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QUESTION: Twisting or wiggling the lever around works sometimes. When pushing the lever up or down a clicking noise will happen until the lever is all the way up or all the way down. When you say quite expensive on the replacement, are you talking less than $200.00 or more? Thank you again for all your help. Any information is greatly appreciated.
AnswerPoor connection between the two halves of the lever module. Take the steering wheel off, (you have to remove the airbag, this is potentially dangerous so follow the instructions or have a licensed shop do this) remove the turn signal module, split the two halves and clamp the brass/copper connector receiver parts closer together. Reassemble and you should be all set. A new turnsignal control module is probably around $150-200 but I have never bought one... Let me know how you get on, Jan