Audi Repair: 1992 Audi 100s -Electronic Problem, blown fuse, fuse box

QUESTION: I have a 92 100s and I have no power to the sunroof or power windows/locks-also the rear speakers are now working -what could be the problem-everything else is fine.

ANSWER: It sounds like there may be a blown fuse, what have you checked up to now?  Let me know,  Jan

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for your response Jan, I tried checking for fuses, but in the fuse diagram I could find nothing labeled-power windows-I tried a local parts place and could not find a maintenance manual either. Do you know if there is another fuse box besides on the driver's side dash? By the way the interior lights are not working either.

Usually you will find more fuses and relays below the dash, you may be able to find a maintenance manual on ebay or on one of the audi forums,  audiworld, audizine, or audifans.  There is usually more than one location for fuses on audi's, on a 1992 I'd check in different places under the dash, also under the hood.  Let me know what you find,  Jan