QuestionQUESTION: Not sure if coincidence, but after my '98 audit a4 avant had the cat and O2 sensors replaced, the engine started to bounce around. Took it to the dealer, they checked the mounts and determined that they were ok. They did notice that the engine lifted a bit when the accelerater was pushed however. Apparenly there is a bar that holds the engine up, and that bar attaches to the front bumper. They replaced a rubber bushing on this piece. Engine still bounces. Any thoughts on what this could be?
by the way, great site!
ANSWER: The catalytic converter could be stressing the motor mounts a little bit, are you noticing a noise also or just observing the engine move? Is the engine running smoothly? Let me know, Jan
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks Jan for getting back.
The engine is running great, its just that when going over bumps, I can feel the engine bouncing, even through the gas petal I can feel it. It is metal hitting metal. Is the only fix replacing the mounts?
Thanks again
AnswerEngine mounts always allow the engine to move slightly, but it sounds like your catalytic converter may not have been installed properly. I would get the shop that installed it to re-adjust it. Once it is up on a lift it should be easy to see what has been rattling, basically any hard part attached to the engine should have 1/2 inch clearance from any body parts. Let me know, Jan