Audi Repair: 1998 A4 2.8 Quatro Turn signals, left turn signal, fuse panel

When I turn on either a left turn signal or a right turn signal they blink once then stop with the bulbs on. I have checked the bulbs and they all come on. But when making a turn and using the signals they only blink once then stop with the  bulbs lit.
Emergency flashers do the same.

Any ideas on what is wrong? Is it the flash controller? If so where is it located?

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you Jacki

Sounds like the flasher unit has gone bad.  This is located either behind the hazard switch or in the fuse panel underneath the dash on the driver's side.  This is the thing which clicks when the turn signals work.  But since yours doesn't, it's difficult to tell where the ticking comes from, unless it clicks once when you turn the signal controller.  Let me know,  Jan