Audi Repair: Audi A4 2.8 1999 Instrument Cluster Fuse 15, instrument clusters, audi a4
QuestionPlease help. Audi A4 2.8 1999 has drain overnight on battery, mechanic isolated to instrument Cluster, Fuse 15, suggests replacing entire dash, is there a simpler way to determine what is draining the battery without replacing the entire thing? Thank you for any help!
AnswerNot many instrument clusters can cause a current drain while the ignition is off, unless there is something seriously wrong with the clock...! I would have a second opinion, or disconnect the plugs to the back of the cluster to identify the issue down to component level. Fuse 15 may be supplying some other aspects of the electricals other than the cluster. If you do want to check for instrument clusters, these come up fairly frequently on ebay. let me know what you find, Jan