Audi Repair: Audi TT, valve cover gasket, tt quattro
QuestionHi, I have a 2001 Audi TT quattro. I have noticed in the past few weeks that when driving my car, a burning smell comes from the engine area. I popped the hood and noticed a very small but noticeable stream of smoke coming out around where the turbo is. Its almost un-noticeable except when the turbo is fully opened at higher rpm's. My guess is that is a simple gasket leak on the turbo and small amounts of oil are dripping on the exhaust manifold which is right below. This makes sense since it only is really noticeable when driving at higher rpm's. Does this sound right? Is this at all harmful to keep driving? I want to wait for spring to fix it so I can do it myself because I was quoted almost 300 dollars to get it fixed. It doesn't look difficult to repair, or is it? I know my basic tech stuff.
Thanks for the time and help.
My A6 was doing the same thing. I had small oil leak from valve cover gasket and cam chain tensioner which also has a gasket. Many A4 with 1.8T engine I have seen have the same leaks. Valve cover gasket is easy to change, but cam. tensioner will take some time. The manual tells you to remove cams,but if you know what to do - you do not have to. So , check for any leaks - it's OK to drive it, my was leaking for over a year.
good luck Greg