Audi Repair: brake light replacement, pearls before swine, water ingress
QuestionQUESTION: The manual says to have Audi replace brake lights and backup lights in my 2001 TT. I would like to do it myself, but cannot find how to get to the bulbs? Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks
ANSWER: Audi indeed recommends this. There are a few people who have done this job and described the procedure on the internet. You can try, and forums to see the procedure described. Make sure you re-seal the light properly to stop water ingress after you're done. After seeing your feedback on my answer... Thank you for the kind words. You are a lazy, ungrateful individual who is too stupid to find a procedure which has been covered before. Believe me there are a lot of people out there who come across this 'problem' I am providing useful information to you FREE but I guess this is a like pearls before swine. Just to prove you are indeed an idiot, I spent less than 2 minutes on the audi forums, and hey presto;
But I'm betting this is too difficult for you. Jan
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for the answer I needed. Had this been your initial answer, you evaluation would have been 10's. You need to scale back on the volitility of your attitude.
AnswerI gave three web site links in my original answer. The information was there. You gave me a shitty rating which gets me worked up, since I do provide answers free of charge. I have a full time job, and I try to help some people. You could have followed up with a simple "I cannot find the information" and I would have searched it out for you. But now, please don't ask me for anything else.