Audi Repair: 1996 Audi A6 Radio, blown fuse, audi a6

I recently bought a 1996 Audi A6 and the factory radio wouldn't turn on.  After a blown fuse was replaced I brought the car to an Audi dealership to have them get the unlock code for me.  They tried twice and it wouldn't take the code so they sent me on my way and told me to try again.  The code the dealership gave me won't unlock the radio and the dealership wants to sell me a new one.  Any idea's?  Thank you in advance.

If the radio is stuck in SAFE and 1000 does not come ON , there is nothing the dealer can do except replacing the radio. You can try to go somewhere where radio are fixed and ask if they can unlock it for you.
Or  give me your vin and AUZ... # of the radio, I will try to check the code again, just to make sure.
good luck             pltech