QuestionThe light of the outside temperature display went out after someone tried to steel my car. The company that repaired my car had to change the whole dash board, ignition lock and som other work, but they didn't recognize that the light of the display was damaged in the first place.
After they canged the part that gave back the light to the outside temperature display, something strange happened with the temperature display: Now it changes between the actual outside temperature (switching between celsius and farenheit on the climate control is working OK) and a farenheit value that lays about 90-140 degree Farenheit! It doesn't matter if the climate control it set to celsius or farenheit. Now I get an actual outside temperature in C or F one minute, and the next minute the display shows an very high farenheit value. Before they changed the part, the temperature display worked OK, it was just that the light were gone. What is the reason for this problem? Is it likely that the work with changing this part (I guess it was the whole temperature display with some other functions on also) could result in damage og disfunction to the Climate controll unit?
Someone has told me that it cant be the temperature sensors, because the wrong value always is shown in Farenheit.
Temp. sensor showing value in F ,does not mean that is bad.
Most of the time temp sensor -if it goes bad, shows very low or very hi temp. I do not know what was change, but maybe cluster was not coded after replacing.
Cluster will show fault code if there is something wrong.
with outside temp.sensor. So , I will start checking for any faults and coding. Maybe something is coded to F.
good luck pltech