Audi Repair: transmission, audi tt, syncros

Hi Greg:  I've had a 2001 Audi TT convertible since last November.  Standard engine & 5 speed.  FYI, I've driven standard my whole life, and am good at it.  Just in the last month, I've noticed that if I shift quickly from first to second, there is a disturbing crunch.  If I shift rather slowly, it never happens.  Never happens in any other gear change, up or down - including from 3rd to 2nd - no matter how aggressive I am.  The car only has 40,000 miles on it, and evidence is it was babied by previous owner.  I have a bad feeling about this - is very expensive repair on the horizon???  Thanks for your input...

this sounds like bad syncro in trans, If it's going bad, it will get worse soon.
What to do = it's up to you , you can drive like this and go easy from first to second or rebuild trans and replace all syncros.
I will just drive it and wait what's going to happen. Looks like the owner before you was not good in manual trans.
good luck            Greg