I have Audi A6 3.0L 2004 make, recentaly we had a tropical storm and as a result my city was flooded with water, unfortuntaly my car was filled with water to the roof, so the interior cabin and the engine were fully covered with water and mud. the local dealer assesed the car, and they said the car is beyond economical repair,justifying that the main computer or the control unit of the car was severaly damaged??!!! can you please give me your view? do you think the car can be repaired?
waiting for your answer
I can only say I'm sorry about your car.
we have seen many flood cars, some of them are just wet inside , but they run, some don't run and some wet to the roof. I most cases insurance pay for repair and all depends on the damaged if they will fix it or not. If the car is very wet and engine does not run they salvage the car. If it's just wet inside, we replace carpet and all wet modules ( which are wet ).
In your case carpet has to come out to get dry only (if it's dirty has to be clean) all wet modules have to be replace (A6 has engine, trans, airbag, central locking, seats, ) and most of the time radio , cluster and A/C may not work.All the connectors have to be clean . This is only electric part.
If the car was wet for longer time water will get inside engine, trans, differential, so all the fluids have to be replace. And you will know if they OK once you start driving. Most of the shops or dealer will not warranty that it will be OK.
And you have a lot of cleaning, detailing all interior which will never look the same.
So, my advise is not to fix but it's all up to you.
we have seen many salvage , flood cars ,fixed and they coming back with many problems, most of electrical
good luck. pltech