Audi Repair: 96 Audi A4 rear door doesnt open, audi a4, audi dealership

My 96 Audi A4 rear driver's side door doesn't open from the inside or the outside. I've taken it to an Audi dealership to see if they could repair it, and even they were stumped. The locking mechanism is broken/out of alignment. How can I get inside the door without damaging anything, and without having the door open? Is this a common problem? It happened when someone shut the door at the exact moment I was locking it, which jammed something up, and the door wouldn't close. We finally got it closed, and then it wouldn't open. Help!

I can only say ,,,sorry. We had a A8 like this where someone close the trunk and something went inside the lock.
Car had to go to body shop --- they had to cut it out.
I did not have any problem like this ,so sorry I can not help you.
good luck              pltech