Audi Repair: 1993 Audi, 90s, 6 Cyl, Timing Belt, crank pulley, rough side
QuestionWe repalced the water pump because it was going out, put then notiuced that the termastae was looking on the rough side and then also relized that since we were this far in. we should replace the timing belt!!!
But we found out that we can not find a repair manuel and now need to know what the timing facts are???
Could you please help us to reinstall this timing belt correctly so that we do not blow our motor???
Thank you in advance for your assist in this matter!!!
Lewis & Becky Kincaid
I'm not sure about 93 ,but i think it's the same as 95
There has to be a mark on crank pulley , around 12 o'clock and there is a special tool that goes from left to right cam gear and locks them in place. If the tool does not go in go 360 deg. and recheck.
good luck pltech