Audi Repair: is volkswagon and audi engine the same?? if so, joseph ippolito, thealarm

ok to start i have a 1998 passat 1.8t.  i am haveing problems with my
alarm and lights in side.  the other day my relay with a big 79 on it
was making noise.  so i pulled it.  it looked like a prong was broke but
i don't know if it was like that for a reason.  but then i noticed me
harrness for my sunroof was unpluged so i pluged it back in and the
noise stoped.  but i am still having problems with my alarm and interior
lights.  my alarm only attivates when i lock the doors from the outside.  
but it i have the window down and open the car with thealarm on it will
not sound..  what can this be???  and what does relay 79 control??   if
you cant help can you tell me where i can get help?  thanks alot      
joseph ippolito

I don't know what 79 relay is.
I have a problem ones with passat that was doing crazy things with door locks and alarm. On passats , the control madules is right under rug , driver feet. In my case water was leaking thru the brake booster, because cown drain under battery was cloged, and water was going straight to module under the carpet. Carpet was never wet.
So, check your module for any water damaged (look for any green stuf on module or wires.
good luck                    pltech