Auto Airbag System Repair: Clock spring, clock spring, website insurance

QUESTION: I recently got into an accident with a 2000 Acura EL (only sold in Canada) and I'm replacing the airbags after deployment. I have purchased passenger and driver airbags along with the SRS unit (impact sensor included). The body shop replacing my airbags said i also need to replace my clock spring, but the acura rep i talked to said replacing the clock spring after airbag deployment is only necessary if the clock spring received heat damage during deployment. The horn and cruise control still work fine, and after removing the airbag i see no heat damage signs the the acura rep told me to look for( melted airbag clips or wires). How can i tell if i need to replace my clock spring or not?

ANSWER: Hi Robbie:
The clockspring is NOT required as per Acura.  Here is a site (our company) that will help you if you want all the information you will need.  Although we do not list your specific vehicle, all of the US Acuras are listed and you can refer to them in comparison

There are specific items that are required replacement items when a deployment occurs or when an airbag light comes on...and there are some items that are "check only".  Check out the websites below for the EXACT answers to your questions including fault code charts and reset information. This site tells you exactly what needs to be replaced and how to access them (seat belts & all) on over 3500 cars.  It's a pay site ($14.95 / day), but it's little money well spent to get the correct answers and to see exactly what you're uses pictures, not text, so you can see what you’re looking for.
This is the same website insurance companies and body shops use to determine what needs to be replaced.
Good's not too bad of a job & if your state allows it, used parts or parts from ebay should be ok
Also, there's a page in this site that tells you which cars need a scan tool to reset the system and which ones can be done without it.


PS Don't feel obligated to buy a subscription unless you want to.  I gave you the answer you were asking for.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you very much for the quick and detailed response! is it possible for me to perform a simple multimeter test to the airbag plug that comes from the clock spring by inserting the points into the correct terminals and checking for a current?

The 1st rule of thumb in servicing airbags is NEVER USE A MULITIMETER NEAR THEM.  The current from the meter can deploy and airbag, burn out a component or cause a false fault code to show up.  You don't need to check anything.  If the squib connectors are not melted (and if they were you'd know it) then it will be fine!

Be happy, put it together, watch the light and you'll know what you need to know.
