QuestionI got a new CD player installed into my 2003 chevy trailblazer and now it wont crank, the cd player works, my dash lights come on, my headlights come on but my key less entry isn't working and i cannot roll up my front windows. back windows work. I checked every fuse in my car (under the hood and under the back seat) none of them were blown. how can i fix this problem?
AnswerHello Mychella,
The problem you are describing is one we see often when an aftermarket stereo is installed in a Chevrolet vehicle. Because of the vehicle security system in your car, changing out the stereo for an aftermarket one, will definitely cause this problem to occur.
The vehicle security system, runs through the radio, through a harness that plugs into the back of the factory radio. Many stereo installers do not know this, and hence when they install your aftermarket system, do not know what this extra harness is for or what to do with it, so they plug in the stereo harness and when it works, they usually leave the security harness disconnected.
To correct this, you will need the installer to remove the stereo from the car and re install it using the correct mating harness which has the plug for the security system harness. This will allow your vehicle to start again.
If you require further assistance please let me know and I will do my best to guide you.
My first step would be returning the vehicle to the installer and asking them if they did in fact reconnect the security harness as required using the correct adapters, I would also check it yourself, if you pull the stereo out of the dash, and look at the harness, there will be one plug loose, meaning not connected to anything. if this is the case then the installer did not connect the security harness when installing the new stereo. THIS MUST BE DONE TO ALLOW THE CAR TO START, AND ALLOW YOUR KEY LESS ENTRY TO WORK AGAIN. Have them correct this using the correct adapters.
Please keep me advised of your progress.
Thank you
Good Luck.