Questionwhen im driving my 93 cadillac seville and im going 45mph it starts shaking and stops after 50mph. what could be causing this and how can i fix it? thanks
Unfortunately, a problem like this cannot be fixed over the internet and requires a tech driving the vehicle to understand the symptom you are referring to. You do not want to take the car to a dealer because most of the time from my experience will replace parts for as long as you have money in your wallet and the problem does not get rectified anyway.
Find a reputable service center in your area. The engine may require to be scoped, or the computer system tested. Your complaint does noy have a common fix. This is merely a symptom that could a vast array of potential issues. In fact, be wary in your situation if someone tries to tell you to start replacing parts without being at the vehicle, because it is obvious they have no clue as to what is wrong with your car.
This can be as simple as a bad plug or wire. I have found it very common on these cars with transversed mounted engines in which the front bank of plugs may be changed, but because of the difficulty of access to the rear 4 plugs, they don't get replaced.
I had a 454 CI Suburban that began running similar to your complaint. The truck had 190,000 miles on it. I began with the simple stuff first. I decided to check the plugs. I found that there was very little electrode left on at least 3 spark plugs. The plugs were original and had never been changed! I replaced them and went to the distributor. I I removed the rotor which was severely burned and carbon tracks in the capI changed the rotor and cap, and couldn't get the cap back on. The distributor bushings were worn out and I had to replace the distributor. I then replaced the wires. When I was all done, the engine ran very nice. Stalling and misfires were gone.
I don't want you guessing on what to replace and even a $50 or $75 diagnostic fee is well worth it and this fee is commonly picked up by the garage if they are doing the repair.
Let me know what the problem ends up being.
Good luck!