Cadillac Repair: Cadillac Repair, insurance claim investigation, SIU

Hello Sir.
I have a 2005 STS 4.6L RWD with air shocks/struts in the rear and they need replacing. Is there an aftermarket kit or conversion kit available that you are aware of to make this a more economical fix? The dealer costs are insane.
Any help you could provide would be appreciated.


Check with your parts store for Monroe or Moog products. Yes, the dealer prices are crazy. Go on the Internet as well and check and see if you can find what your are looking for there too.

Good luck!

Auto theft, boat or house claim go to SIU? Auto theft, boat claim, house claim denied?

Being under investigation is the first step the carrier is indicating they are going to deny your claim. Something in the claim set of a red flag (fraud indicator). In the case of a vehicle, if equipped with a transponder, that alone is enough to call the claim into question, beause according to investigators and their so-called forensic experts, such vehicles are impossible to steal and drive without the insured's keys. This narrative is perpetuated by arrogance and ignorance, in an effort to deny the claim.

The truth plays no role here. As the insured don't continue to keep digging the hole by trying to defend yourself. The investigator is convinced the insured is involved, and they will cherry pick whatever financials they can to make it appear the insured is guilty of fraud.
We change the paradigm!

We are not lawyers, but have over 2 decades of insurance claims experience. In fact, lawyers have no standing to be involved in the investigation or the EUO (Examination Under Oath).
Call us if you have an insurance claim under investigation.
