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Where is the instrument panel relay located


Car is to old for me to remember such details, but my first question is why are you looking for the relay? Relays almost never fail which means the points would have to stick open or closed.
Did you consult with your owner's manual?
If nothing is comping on in the dash, these did have problems with the instrument panels and dash connections as well as loose grounds under the dash. If just the dash lights are not working, make sure you have tail lights. You could also have a bad thermostat for dimming and brightening.

In that era I think I remember a separate factory service manual for component placement.
I apologize for not being able to give you the location of the dash light relay if there is one, but that was 26 years ago and thousands of vehicles and hundreds of makes and models ago. Any manuals I had for this vehicle I discarded over 15 years ago.
As stated though, if digital display, they were nothing but a headache since new in the 80s.

Diving into dash light problems can be expensive and very frustrating without a factory service manual you may find on EBay or Craig's.

Good luck!